Case report in Molecular and Clinical Oncology


Articolul de case report „Non-invasive imaging of actinic cheilitis and squamous cell carcinoma of the lip” a fost publicat in Molecular and Clinical Oncology (Spandidos Publications) la data de 26.03.2018. Cercetarea se concentreaza asupra rolului din ce in ce mai important al metodelor de investigatie imagistica non-invazive in diagnosticul precoce al cancerului de piele si mucoase, cu un accent pe patologia buzelor. Multumesc pe aceasta cale tuturor colaboratorilor pentru efortul depus, in special D-lui. Dr. Constantin Caruntu.

Din abstract:

An early diagnosis is of overwhelming importance for the management and prognosis of mucocutaneous cancer.

There is considerable difficulty in discerning between dysplasia and invasive carcinomas solely on a clinical basis. Although dermoscopy has become an essential tool for skin tumor evaluation, reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) is a non-invasive imaging technology that has proved itself extremely useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of several skin diseases, including AC and SCC…

Due to the apparent innocuousness of AC for numerous patients, it is not possible to overstress the importance of a correct and early diagnosis, proper treatment and long-term patient follow-up as being essential for preventing the progression to lip SCC, or for its timely diagnosis.

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