Articol original Journal of Clinical Medicine – MDPI
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Astazi (25.06.2020) revista Journal of Clinical Medicine (grupul editorial MDPI; factor de impact 5,688), a publicat articolul nostru original intitulat „In Vivo Reflectance Confocal Microscopy-Diagnostic Criteria for Actinic Cheilitis and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip„, axat pe diagnosticul neinvaziv al carcinomului scuamocelular de buza.
De ce este important?
Acest material reprezinta sinteza unui studiu original destinat sa consolideze cunostintele actuale (putine!) referitoare la diferentierea non-invaziva prin microscopie confocala de reflectanta (biopsie virtuala) intre cheilita actinica (echivalentul keratozei actinice, dar pe buze) si carcinomul scuamocelular cutanat (o forma agresiva de cancer de piele).
Din abstract:
Actinic cheilitis (AC) is one of the most frequent pathologies to affect the lips. Studies show that the most commonplace oral malignancy, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), often emerges from AC lesions. Invasive diagnostic techniques performed on the lips carry a high risk of complications, but reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM), a non-invasive skin imaging technique, may change the current diagnostic pathway. This retrospective study was aimed at consolidating the RCM diagnostic criteria for AC and lip SCC. The study was conducted in two tertiary care centers in Bucharest, Romania. We included adults with histopathologically confirmed AC and SCC who also underwent RCM examination. Of the twelve lesions included in the study, four were AC and eight were SCC. An atypical honeycomb pattern and the presence of target cells in the epidermis were RCM features associated with AC. SCC was typified by the presence of complete disruption of the epidermal architecture and dermal inflammatory infiltrates. The mean blood vessel diameter in SCC was 18.55 µm larger than that in AC (p = 0.006) and there was no significant difference (p = 0.64) in blood vessel density, as measured by RCM, between SCC and AC. These data confirm that RCM can be useful for the in vivo distinction between AC and lip SCC.
Lupu, M.; Caruntu, A.; Boda, D.; Caruntu, C. In Vivo Reflectance Confocal Microscopy-Diagnostic Criteria for Actinic Cheilitis and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lip. J. Clin. Med. 2020, 9, 1987.
Este ceva nou?
Aceste date originale vor ajuta (speram noi!) in cursa continua catre stabilirea cat mai precisa, mai rapida si mai neinvaziva a diagnosticului tumorilor/leziunilor cutanate, astfel usurand parcursul pacientilor de la prezentare pana la vindecare.
Desi biopsia cutanata inca reprezinta standardul de aur in diagnosticul tumorilor cutanate, metodele imagistice neinvazive castiga din ce in ce mai mult teren, o data cu avansarea tehnologiei si castigurile de experienta produse de utilizarea pe scara larga a acestora.
Vreau sa multumesc tuturor autorilor si colaboratorilor pentru implicarea lor in realizarea si publicarea acestui material. Felicitari!!!
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