Dragii mei,
La data de 15.06.2020 Journal of Dermatologic Therapy (factor de impact 1,74) publica articolul nostru despre implicatiile dietei in acnee („Butterfly effect and acne ‐ the role of diet„). Acesta este un inca un pas inspre cresterea awareness-ului vizavi de importanta alimentatiei la persoanele ce sufera de aceasta afectiune (acnee).
Fiind o afectiune inflamatorie complexa, acneea are nevoie de o abordarea terapeutica holistica, care sa includa neaparat si o „corectie” a dietei si stilului de viata. Nu trebuie sa ma credeti pe cuvant. Sunt numeroase studii stiintifice care demonstreaza cele sintetizate de noi in acest articol.
Din abstract:
The authors aim to present the butterfly effect, a concept based on the theory that small changes might have a powerful effect, as an example of the important connection between diet and acne. Western diet is currently a well known environmental factor which, mainly via the overstimulation of mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) , is responsible for the development and aggravation of acne and other age‐related diseases of civilization. From the authors’ point of view, “the butterfly effect” extrapolated to Acne and Diet depicts the importance of dietary interventions in acne so as to prevent more serious mTORC1‐driven diseases of civilization like obesity, diabetes and cancer.
Felicitari tuturor autorilor si celor care au contribuit, intr-un fel sau altul, la conceperea, editarea si publicarea acestui material deosebit de util.
Articolul poate fi accesat direct de pe site-ul revistei, nefiind insa gratuit: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dth.13832.