In luna Octombrie, Romanian Journal of Morphology and Embriology au publicat un articol original „Non-invasive imaging techniques for early diagnosis of radiation-induced squamous cell carcinoma of the lip”, avandu-i ca autori pe MIHAI LUPU, ANA CĂRUNTU, LILIANA MORARU, VLAD MIHAI VOICULESCU, DANIEL BODA, CRISTIANA TĂNASE si CONSTANTIN CĂRUNTU.
Acest articol trateaza posibilitatile de investigare neinvazive (prin microscopie confocala de reflectanta in vivo) in cazul carcinoamelor spinocelulare de buza, in fazele incipiente. Revista este indexata ISI, avand un factor de impact, la momentul publicarii articolului, de 0.912.

Ionizing radiation was used in the past for treatment of several benign cutaneous conditions, and particularly hemangiomas. Even though radiotherapy was generally effective, it significantly augmented the risk for malignancies, resulting in a consequent heavy decline of its use for benign conditions. However, radiation-induced neoplasia is still encountered in adult patients irradiated during childhood or adolescence. We report a case of well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma developing on the lower lip of a 59-year-old woman who had previously undergone local radiotherapy for a hemangioma, in which the use of non-invasive imaging techniques such as in vivo reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and dermoscopy allowed an early diagnosis and a prompt, effective treatment. Owing to its capability of assessing microscopic features of dysplasia and neoplastic changes, RCM in combination with dermoscopy may provide an invaluable tool for early detection of malignant changes in previously irradiated cutaneous and mucosal areas.
Dr. Mihai Lupu – din abstractul Non-invasive imaging techniques for early diagnosis of radiation-induced squamous cell carcinoma of the lip
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