Mediators of Inflammation in Topical Therapy of Skin Cancers – Review article

Ieri, articolul nostru „Mediators of inflammation in topical therapy of skin cancers” a fost publicat in editia speciala „Inflammation as a Target in Cancer Therapy” a jurnalului Mediators of Inflammation, jurnal cu factor de impact 3.549 in 2017, conform statisticilor JCR publicate de Clarivate Analytics in 2018. Suntem mandri de aceasta reusita si am vrut sa o impartasim si cu voi.

Articolul abordeaza un subiect relativ „fierbinte” in momentul de fata in dermatologie si anume, tratamentul topic, non-interventional, al cancerelor de piele, analizand diferitele variante terapeutice, mecanismele de actiune, avantajele, dezavantajele si ratele de succes ale fiecarei optiuni.

Din abstract:

„Taking into consideration that the immune system plays a very important role in the development of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers, which have a high prevalence in immunosuppressed patients and after prolonged ultraviolet radiation, the interest in developing novel therapies, in particular targeting the inflammation in cancer, has increased in the past years. The latest data suggest that therapies such as imiquimod (IMQ), ingenol mebutate (IM), 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), retinoids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been used with success in the topical treatment of some cancers. Herein, we review the topical treatment targeting the inflammation in skin cancer and the mechanisms involved in these processes. Currently, various associations have shown a superior success rate than monotherapy, such as systemic acitretin and topical IMQ, topical 5-FU with tretinoin cream, or IMQ with checkpoint inhibitor cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen 4. Novel therapies targeting Toll-like receptor-7 (TLR-7) with higher selectivity than IMQ are also of great interest.”

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